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Youtube HD Thumbnail Downloader Free Online

How to use YouTube Thumbnail Image Downloader

Step 1 : Go to, Search a video.

Step 2 : Copy the URL of the video (Example: ).

Step 3 : Paste that URL in the box given below and then click the "Get YouTube Thumbnail" button.

Step 4 : Choose your Thumbnail size and Download it.

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How to Download YouTube Video Thumbnails?

You have to copy the Youtube video URL and paste it in the above input box. Then press the Get Thumbnail Button.

Now the thumbnail will be shown below, click the download button to download the thumbnail.

You can also right-click the image and save it on your computer.

What is YouTube Thumbnail?

Thumbnails run on website pages as smaller, discrete duplicates of the first image, as a motivation behind a website thumbnail is to reduce transfer speed and download speed. Some website specialists create thumbnails with HTML or client-side scripts that cause the client program to collapse the image instead of using a small duplicate of the picture.

What is the use of this Youtube Thumbnail Downloader?

With this YouTube thumbnail downloader, you can download all YouTube video images that can be used in many kinds of work, e.g., For example, when you blog, design, or simply want to share this image with your friends or for your work.

Why Custom Thumbnail Works Better?

Large custom thumbnails offer more perspectives and more shots. It’s that easy. These are the reasons why some custom thumbnails work, and others don’t.

1. The best thumbnails are personalized, not just the edges of the images. These are dedicated images that we take and modify to inform you of the video content.

2. What do the most effective models share in every way? 

The correct answer is: even if they are excellent images, they are straightforward, with only a few main components. This means if you roll them to 10% of the size of their single shot at the end of the day – the size of a thumbnail.

3. The text you use should be sparing—almost a few words. Remember, you have a video title, and the exact opposite is what you need to do to display your thumbnail title. It is a fundamental mistake. As with everything, there are exceptional cases for this standard.

4. Always remember YouTube arrangements. You can’t avoid this time stamp that stains your thumbnail. Note, however, that it is still in the lower right corner of your thumbnail. Otherwise, there will be a problem.

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